петак, 30. април 2010.
Mobile MICROS Handheld point-of-sale terminal
MICROS is proud to offer its third generation handheld solution, the Mobile MICROS Handheld point-of-sale terminal. The solution has been created specifically for the restaurant industry and is fully integrated with our 3700 and 9700 Point-of-Sale Systems...
среда, 28. април 2010.
Jtech is the leading supplier of wireless communication systems for a variety of industries, including restaurants, with hospitality software solutions that include silent server, guest, and manager/staff paging systems. Providing the kind of fast-paced, intuitive technology that your restaurant or hotel needs to stay ahead, JTECH’s hospitality software solutions ensure guests receive rapid, top-notch service every time they visit
уторак, 27. април 2010.
Simphony^tm MICROS’s first Software as a Service offering, is an enterprise, service-oriented architecture (SOA), point-of-sale (POS), hospitality product. SOA allows organizations to deploy the hosted POS system using a design that provides flexibility, resiliency, and streamlined integration of applications. Simphony™ is designed for SaaS deployment into diverse environments to deliver the complex, mission-critical functions demanded by the most innovative customers. SaaS alleviates the burden of software maintenance, ongoing operation, and support...Read more
Point-of-Sale Hardware Solutions
Looking for energy-efficient, superior point-of-sale hardware solutions? MICROS is committed to providing a variety of quality touch screen POS terminal solutions for every environment. The equipment is designed and developed with sustainability in mind; all hardware that MICROS ships is RoHS compliant. Furthermore, several MICROS hardware options are disk-less and operate without a fan, requiring less than half of the energy of typical PC based devices, cutting your power costs by 50%! Regardless of the type of business you operate, MICROS has a point-of-sale hardware solution that will work for you. Learn more about MICROS’s versatile point-of-sale hardware solutions...Read more
субота, 24. април 2010.
system combines the reputation and reliability of MICROS hospitality technology with a price suitable for table service and quick service restaurants, delis, sandwich shops, nightclub/bar establishments, and more. MICROS e7 combines an all-in-one MICROS Workstation 4 (WS4 LX) with a powerful embedded software application based on the Microsoft Windows® CE .NET operating system...Read more
This is a complete restaurant POS software solution that adapts to the way you run your business, with tools for the back-office, restaurant operations, and guest services. This fully-integrated restaurant point-of-sale system is both powerful and flexible and helps operations within your property flow more cohesively, efficiently, and profitably. The MICROS RES point-of-sale system offers restaurants multiple solutions that are designed specifically for table and quick service operations, as well as fast casual concepts...Read more
The MICROS 3700
This product is a true 32-bit application designed to run under Microsoft® Windows® 95, 98, NT or Windows® 2000. The software easily integrates with OPOS-compliant peripheral hardware including printers, cash drawers, and pole displays. And our MICROS 3700 architecture is designed to allow you to add workstations, new stores and applications easily so the system grows with your operation...
петак, 23. април 2010.
The MICROS OPERA Enterprise Solution (OES)
This product offers hotel operators the ability to share information across multiple applications and properties on a single database while providing the necessary enterprise software solutions and tools for Property and Central operations, is the hospitality industry’s most comprehensive software for property management and core central systems...Read more
MICROS 9700 HMS Point-of-Sale System
Micros 9700 HMS is the most widely used point-of-sale solution in the leisure and entertainment marketplace. Built on years of industry experience, the entire 9700 HMS product suite is technology independent, running on MS SQL, Oracle, and Multiple Windows platforms. All 9700 HMS modules are web-delivered and enterprise enabled, making them easy to use while reducing total cost of ownership. 9700 HMS has proven installations ranging from small, specialized operations to large enterprise configurations spanning multiple properties in large geographic areas. Whether you operate one restaurant or hundreds, 9700 HMS has the functionality to meet your needs...Read more
уторак, 20. април 2010.
MICROS Systems established their first presence in Malta in 1994, and through their local System Partners, Megabyte Limited, rapidly emerged to be the leading hotel management solution providers amongst the four and five star hotels on the island.
Megabyte as a Micros Systems Integrator offers both pre and post sales consulting for complete solutions for the entire hospitality segment and offers their customers the peace of mind of a full 24x7 support by experienced technology specialists and consultants. Customers benefit from their extensive knowledge base in Hotel Management Systems, and their capability in interfacing and system integration to offer customised solutions and guarantee better quality customer service throughout
недеља, 18. април 2010.
Hotelski softver - Micros-Fidelio je najbolji sistem za vaš hotel
Bez obzira na to koliko je velik vaš hotel ili resort ili koliko lokacija tj. objekata želite da povežete, postoji set softveskih proizvoda u portfoliju Micros-Fidelio ponude koji mogu da pomognu vašem poslovanju i uspješno ga unaprede.
Tu posebno izdvajamo:
* Property Management Sistem (PMS) – Sistem za upravljanje vašim smještajnim kapacitetima
* Rezervacioni Sistem
* On-Line Booking Rezervacioni Sistem
* Point of Sale (POS) system za praćenje prodaje na vašim prodajnim mjestima
Property Management Sistem (PMS)
Izborom odgovarajućeg softverskog sistema koji će biti usklađen sa vašim specifičnim zahtjevima poslovanja obezbijedićete bolji nivo kontrole svih funkcija unutar hotela. MICROS-Fidelio Property Management Sistem (PMS) u punoj mjeri zadovoljava i najposebnije zahtjeve koji se postvaljaju pred menadžment hotelskog preduzeća. Puna informacija o gostima, noćnim obradama, stanju zaliha, upravljanje profitom, izvještavanje po svim aspektima i sl. je sastavni dio procesa upravljanja hotelom. MICROS-Fidelio PMS pokriva sve nabrojane funkcije tako da možete lako donosti pravilne poslovne odluke i posvetiti se vašim gostima kako bi podigli nivo njihovog zadovoljstva povodom boravka u vašem objektu.
Rezervacioni sistem je zapravo system za prodaju vaših kapaciteta. To je alat koji u rukama vaše prodajne službe obezbeđuje maksimalnu popunjenost vašeg objekta pod najpovoljnijim komercijalnim uslovima za vaš hotel. Upravo je to osnovna funkcija MICROS-Fidelio rezervacionog sistema tj. da obzbijedi efikasan i brz pristup raspoloživosti slobodnih soba, raspoloživih cijena i paketa kao i mogućnost brzog pravljenja rezeravacije.
On-Line Booking rezervacioni Sistem je sistem koji prodaju vaših kapaciteta čini mogućom preko interneta. Lakom integracijom sa hotelskim Web sajtom kao i sa poznatim on-line agencijama (Expedia, Hotels.com, Opodo …). Hotel primjenom ovih rješenja otvara novi kanal prodaje koji jednostavno uz minimum troškova obezbeđuje poboljšanje prodaje kapaciteta a time i profita.
POS sistem – korak unapred u pravcu postizanja većeg profita
MICROS-Fidelio point of sale (POS) softver će obezbijediti da sve zahtjeve u procesu prodaje učinite mogućim. Brže transakcije, brz pristup informacijama, sistem rada maksimalno prilagođen efikasnoj i brzoj usluzi su kvaliteti koji će sigurno biti cijenjeni i obezbijediti viši kvalitet usluga u vašem objektu.
Micros-Fidelio sistem u svojoj ponudi nudi sve gore navedene softverske module kao i ponudu za najširi opseg hotela bez obzira na njihovu veličinu (privatni pansioni, mali hoteli, hotelski lanci…) i organizaciju rada (sezonski rad, gradski hotel, kongresni hotel…).
субота, 17. април 2010.
Key to OPERA’s success is its powerful integration. All modules share a single database, meaning no duplicated data or need for interfaces to slow things down and reduce accuracy. Whether you are using only OPERA PMS or employing the full OPERA suite, including OPERA Sales and Catering and OPERA Revenue Management, you can be confident the information is up to date and relevant. In addition, OPERA PMS has interfaces to over 1000 3rd party systems, from accounting packages to pay TV, ensuring all your systems can talk to each other.
OPERA PMS is available in three different editions depending on your functionality requirements; OPERA PMS Full Service, OPERA PMS Xpress and OPERA PMS Lite (compare editions), as well as the cost effective OPERETTA out of the box solution. This gives you the flexibility to select the functionality you need. Regardless of the edition selected your team will have access to the most powerful PMS on the market. Teamed with 24/7 local support, OPERA PMS can help you spend less time on the computer and more time with your customers.
недеља, 11. април 2010.
Sustav isto tako pruža niz strukturnih analitičkih pregleda tvrtke po raznim drugim kadrovskim atributima kao što su kvalifikacija, starost, staž, spol, godišnji odmori i slično. Niz tabličnih i grafički izvještaja omogućuju korisnicima lakše praćenje trendova i donošenja poslovnih odluka u upravljanju ljudskim potencijalima
понедељак, 5. април 2010.
Micros-Fidelio Opera is the world's leading technology solutions to the hospitality industry used by the majority of chain and locally managed properties in the kingdom, and it is therefore the system that graduates, from these educational institutions, are most likely to be using when they enter the industry.
Opera PMS provides hotel management with tools for customer relationship management, rate management, forecasting and report writing and also provides all the tools any hotel staff need for doing their day-to-day jobs - handling reservations, checking guests in and out, assigning rooms and managing room inventory and handling accounting and billing.
At the time of this press release there are more than ten educational institutions in Saudi Arabia that are licensed to use the Micros-Fidelio Opera system for its hospitality graduation syllabus.
These schools have firmly decided to educate their pupils with the most up-to-date hospitality technology environments available on today's market.
недеља, 4. април 2010.
Osnovni podaci:
• alfa – numerički tekstualni niz
• neograničeni broj artikala
• različiti ulazi-izlazi po skladištu i artiklima
• individualni kriteriji artikala po grupama / glavnim grupama / grupama artikala
• do devetsto devedeset i devet skladišta
• do tusuću prodajnih mjesta
• neograničeni broj dobavljača
• neograničeni broj recepata
• neograničeni broj različitih analiza
• do devedeset i devet inventurnih perioda u godini
• promjene vrijednosti artikala/robe.
Ulaz robe
• jednostavan unos podataka s ugrađenom kontrolom
• pretraživanje dobavljača po abecedi
• abecedno ili brojčano pretraživanje artikala
• slobodan izbor knjiženja po mjestima troška
• prikaz zadnje cijene isporuke
• automatsko pribrajanje/oduzimanje poreza na/od cijene artikla
• automatsko upravljanje praznom ambalažom
• trenutno odvajanje jedne isporuke na više skladišta
• pristup u centralno skladište
• direktni pristup pomoćnim skladištima
• integralni način naručivanja
• vođenje robe po izdatnici ili računu
• integralna kontrola obračuna
• integralne informacije o kupovini (nabavci)
• mogućnost upisa rabata po svakom unosu i po svakom računu
• usporedba narudžaba/isporuka (neisporučeno, djelomično i previše isporučeno)
• ispis ulaza artikla po raznim kriterijima
• informacije po isporuci – artikli, grupe i specifične isporuke
• jednostavno storniranje ili ispravci
• pregledni dnevnik knjiženja
• trenutačni pregled i analiza stanja skladišta
• izmjena i novi unos artikla kod knjiženja
• cijeli/ djelomični prikaz izdatnice na ekranu.
Izlaz robe:
• jednostavan i brzi zahvat u promet artikala
• pregledni i ekonomični pristup
• jednostavno knjiženje standardnoga izlaza robe
• prenos artikala i/ili recepata
• automatska procjena kretanja cijene artikala i stanja
• prosječna cijena, zadnja cijena ili dvije koje se mogu odrediti (min/max)
• mogućnost prenosa artikala između pomoćnih skladišta
• povrat artikala u centralno skladište
• povratak artikala iz središnjega i iz pomoćnoga skladišta dobavljaču
• knjiženje gubitaka (lom, nestanak, krađa)
• jednostavno storniranje i ispravci
• direktni ispisi računa za interne potrebe
• prijenos recepata
• izmjena poslovnih jedinica.
Manipulacija artiklima:
• do četiri razine za grupiranje artikala
• viša grupa, glavna grupa, grupa artikala i po preporuci
• grupiranje za daljnju obradu automatskoga informiranja
• abecedni ili brojčani pristup artiklima
• neograničeni broj artikala po grupi i po skladištu
• izbor po prosječnoj cijeni ili zadnjoj cijeni
• slobodni izbor – mjesta troška, skladišta ili po odabiru artikla
• automatsko dijeljenje boce po centrilitrima
• stanje artikala po skladištu, mjestu troška ili ukupno
• analiza skladišta, isporuke i potrošnja.
• inventurna lista po skladištima
• slobodno oblikovanje lista inventure
• jednostavan unos izbrojenoga stanja
• razlika nakon usporedne liste
• automatsko poravnanje inventure
• moguć povratak nakon poravnanja inventure
• nastavak knjiženja neovisno o inventuri
• analiza potreba nabavne ili prodajne vrijednosti
• slobodan izbor inventure – potreba perioda
• stalna mogućnost inventure
• usporedbe postojećeg i potrebnoga stanja
• analiza potreba pomoćnoga skladišta.
3.1.2. Modul nabave, od načina naručivanja do izvršene isporuke
• usmjerenje narudžbi, dobavljač – artikl, kao i artikl – dobavljač
• automatsko praćenje stanja skladišta
• najmanja i najveća količina artikala po skladištu
• lagano upravljanje standardnim narudžbama
• izravan pristup u datoteku dobavljača tijekom narudžbi
• podaci o artiklu – najviša, prosječna i najniža cijena
• podaci o liferantu i artiklu – najviša, prosječna i najniža ciljana
• ukupni opseg poslovanja dobavljača
• dvodimenzionalno upravljanje narudžbama
• upravljanje podacima o narudžbama
• automatski prijedlog za artikl po najnižoj cijeni
• automatski prijedlog najpovoljnijeg dobavljača
• izbor više dobavljača po jednoj narudžbi
• informacije/obrada otvorenih narudžbi
• informacija narudžbi o knjiženju ulaza
• informacije o razlici između narudžbe i isporuke
• ispis narudžbenica
• upravljanje besplatnim dostavama
• izravno slanje narudžbenica elektroničkim putem.
3.1.3. Modul kontrole troškova, od upravljanja recepturama do analize prodaje i prometa
• višenamjenska lista recepata
• standardni i specijalni recepti
• neograničeni broj recepata
• jednostavni unos recepata
• priprema i uputstva o receptu
• bruto i neto obračun s čimbenicima gubitaka
• recepti kao dijelovi drugoga recepta
• automatski obračun ulaska robe
• kalkulacija porcije
• kalkulacija potreba
• stimulirana kalkulacija
• analiza kalkulacija
• datoteka recepata
• jednostavni pristup količinama i sastojcima po receptu
• direktno usklađenje od skladišta do prodaje artikla
• različita mjesta troška po receptu
• dobivanje cijene koštanja tijekom izrade recepta.
• predkalkulacija s aktualnim i prodajnim cijenama
• predkalkulacija s planiranim i prodajnim cijenama
• kalkulacija potreba.
Završna kalkulacija:
• prema prodaji, kalkulacija zaduženja i stanja robe
• sređivanje prikaza količine robe.
Različite analize prodaje:
• zajedničko vođenje troškova, nabavne i prodajne vrijednosti
• planiranje prometa i prodaje
• analiza podataka o prodaji i nabavi
• periodične analize prodaje
• kalkulacija banketa i priredbi
• abecedne analize aktualnih podataka o prodaji.
Podaci o prometu:
• automatski obračun prometa putem veza s kasama (POS)
• mogućnost ručnoga unosa podataka
• poseban konto prometa po svakom artiklu
• analiza prometa po artiklima
• ispravke ručno uređenoga prometa.
Prikaz prometa:
• liste prometa
• liste prometa po kalkulacijama
• izvještaj prometa/troškova.
3.1.4. Obračun troškova
Provjera ulaza robe:
• Fidelio F&B Management nudi različite metode za kontrolu troškova po artiklima; te se metode mogu upotrijebiti po izboru i po potrebi specifičnosti poslovanja.
• tradicionalni pristup kontroli kroz inventuru
• automatska obrada pomoću usporedbe duguje/potražuje i stanja skladišta
• usporedbe duguje/potražuje i prodajnih cijena te poravnanje s ostvarenim prometom
• izvještaji o ulazu robe
• dnevni ulazi robe uspoređuju se s prometom.; postoji mogućnost ručnoga knjiženja, terećenja i rasterećenja; pridošli promet uspoređuje se sa stanjem poslovanja.
• izvještaji po mjestu prodaje.
Upravljanje troškovima:
• editor plana poslovanja
• pogonsko šifriranje.
Mogućnosti sistema:
Fidelio F&B Management nudi bogati izbor izvještaja, informacija i određivanja. Osim toga postoji mogućnost da se izvještaji i liste usuglase s individualnim potrebama poslovanja:
• pregledna struktura
• razni podaci i liste
• izvještaj o prometu roba
• specifične liste po dobavljačima
• lista artikala na raspolaganju
• liste vrijednosti roba
• analiza kretanja cijena
• inventurne liste
• analiza potrošnje
• periodični izvještaji glavnoga skladišta
• liste narudžbenica
• liste receptura/recepata
• informacije o ulazu robe i prometu
• usporedba dnevnoga izvještaja hrane s planiranim sredstvima
• također i za pića
• mjesečni izvještaj s planiranim sredstvima.
3.1.5. Veze s drugim programskim paketima i povezivanje s financijskim knjigovodstvom
Obrada podataka – grafika – veze:
• pristup podacima i grafikama omogućuje preuzimanje robnoga poslovanja kao i planirano poslovanje ili ukupne rezultate i razne analize u grafičkom prikazu
• svi podaci iz F&B Managamenta mogu biti preuzeti u MS-DOS program i biti obrađeni, kao na primjer: kalkulacije, banka podataka, desk Top Publishing,
Povezivanje s blagajnama (POS):
• omogućuje automatsko preuzimanje podataka s blagajni...
• to omogućuje dobivanje željenoga stanja, stanja skladišta te usporedbe potrebno/postojeće, kao i dobivanje dnevnih podataka o prometu robe.
Povezivanje s financijskim knjigovodstvom:
• omogućava brži kao i automatski protok podataka s knjiženja dostavnica i faktura za plaćanje računa.
3.1.6. Najnovije software rješenje Micros-Fidelio Materials Control je naručivanje po receptu branda umjesto nabavljanja
Ovaj je novi softver modularan program koji je podijeljen u slijedeće module:
• područja i upravljanje aplikacijama: sustavi menija, odjelni korisnici, prava korisnika, troškovni centri, porezi
• upravljanje skladištem: primanje, transferi, zahtjevnice, autorizacije, ostali korisnici, POS korisnici, inventure
• nabavljanje: ne nabavljanje nego naručivanje po receptu, kontrola računa, analiza nabave
• proizvodnja: recepti, skupine recepata
• rezultati: usporedba u troškovnom centru, dnevni troškovi hrane, analiza glavnih grupa, rezultati kontrole materijala
• osnovni podaci: dobavljači, artikli, skupi artikli, grupiranje artikala, porezi, jedinične mjere, pakiranja, uvjeti
• interfaces: B/O- Systems, Micros-Fidelio POS Sistem.
• dodatni moduli: – nutricijska kalkulacija / dijetni jelovnici i dijetni sastojci
• Mobile Data processing: inventure i narudžbe preko Hand Held terminala
• vanjski proces naručivanja – za ugostiteljstvo i direktne kupce
• upravljanje centralnom nabavom – centralno upravljanje cijenama, centralni izvještaji i dr.
• pojačani rezultati kalkulacija:proračun, tipovi troškova, kalkulacije troškovnoga centra, procesiranje projekta.
Velika je prednost novoga modularnog programa što omogućuje stalnu elastičnost i brojne mogućnosti za optimalizaciju prema potrebi korisnika, materijalne kontrole, kao i svih drugih zahtjeva.
Referencije Fidelio F&B Managementa uključuju listu korisnika najpoznatijih svjetskih hotelskih lanaca, luksuznih brodova kao i fast food restorana.
Račun isplativosti i vrijeme povrata uloženih sredstava u nabavu, suvremenih integralnih informacijskih sustava u hotelsko-ugostiteljskoj industriji, postao je već standard prodaje, odnosno kupovine sustava Micros- Fidelio (primjer Opera System).
Na temelju iznijetoga možemo prihvatiti da će mogućnosti primjene suvremene informatičke tehnologije u nabavi ovisiti o spremnosti, znanju i odlučnosti za prihvaćanje branda jer su već primijenjene informatičke tehnologije uspješno riješile ostalo. Sustav je HTB-a bolji način za kvalitetnije i uspješnije opće i pojedinačno poslovanje, kako subjekata ponude tako i potražnje u opskrbi hrvatskoga turizma, zahvaljujući razvoju informatičkoga okruženja i tehnologije.
Izgradnjom sustava HTB-a kontinentalni se resursi i turistički proizvodi Hrvatske brandiraju i repozicioniraju brandiranjem kao strateškim konkurentskim alatom i metodom, u odnosu na druge konkurentske brandove, odredišta i turističke zemlje.
Brandirani turistički proizvodi Hrvatske postaju konkurentniji kvalitetom i prepoznatljivošću, uz istovremeno postizanje većih pojedinačnih i ukupnih gospodarskih učinaka. To je elementarna sposobnost branda, da jamči obećanu razinu kvalitete koju potrošači nagrađuju spremnošću da plaćaju istu ili višu cijenu od konkurencije.
Brandiranjem proizvoda udruženih subjekata u agroprehrambenom području, oni postaju kvalitetniji i prepoznatljiviji na samo za potrošnju kroz HTB nego i šire (imamo usamljene primjere Vegete ili izbor proizvoda koji su ušli u prehrambeni brand Mac Donalds...)
Opredjeljenje je za brand opredjeljenje za: vrh, kvalitetu, modele TQM i poslovne izvrsnosti.
Zato brandovi noseveću zaradu, isključivo na pošten način, većom kvalitetom i zadovoljstvom svih uključenih sudionika i okruženja.
Brandiranjem se izgrađuje dugoročan kvalitetan partnerski odnos B2B koji zamjenjuje postojeći, često divlji prekupački trgovački odnos (pozitivan primjer B2B između Podravke i Konzuma, a negativan primjer markice "izvorno hrvatsko" na uvezenim i nekvalitetnim jabukama ili nedeklarirana uvezena hrana s GMO u prodaji...).
Brandiranjem se postavljaju i rabe zajednički suvremeni standardi digitalne tehnologije i telekomunikacija odnosno e-business, e-comerc, e-marketplace u funkciji unaprjeđenja opskrbe hotelsko-turističkih subjekata.
Cjeloviti je reprezentant lanca kvalitete brand sustav HTB-a jer je tržišno vrloučinkovit, informatičkim tehnologijama podržavan i dugoročno usmjeren na integrirano B2B poslovanje.
Nabavljanje i opskrba zamjenjuje se i izjednačava s naručivanjem prema receptu branda B2B. Sustavi su poput HTB-a pojedinačno provjereni i transparentni sustavi, koji udružuju, isključivo na interesnoj osnovi, cjelokupni lanac kvalitete, od proizvodnje i nabave svih izabranih artikala koji ulaze u HTB, na temelju propisanih standarda.
Upravo zajedničkim marketinškim propisivanjem standarda svi gospodarski resursi dobivaju tržišnu priliku da se ispravno smještaju i brandiraju u sustavu proizvoda HTB-a od ravnice i planine do mora i hrvatskoga mediteranskog stola, a i šire. To udruženje branda čini cjelovit proces, od planiranja, organiziranja, kadriranja do vođenje i upravljačke kontrole nad integriranim interesnim sustavom svih robnih marki branda. Udruženje branda može biti neprofitno i u vlasništvu članica ili profitabilno organizirano.
Interesnom poslovnom integracijom potrebno je marketinški ujediniti i dalje razvijati sve postojeće i parcijalne akcije u Hrvatskoj kao što su: u HTZ-u – Strateški marketing (plan hrvatskoga turizma koji ističe potrebu brandova) i Plavi cvijet i Djelatnik godine (akcije s elementima i poticanjem branda); Ministarstvo mora i turizma..., zatim posebna kvaliteta hrvatskih hotela s oznakom Q (u funkciji je brandiranja hotela ), HGK akcija Izvorno hrvatsko (u funkciji je stvaranja marketinškoga branda) i dr. Gospodarski subjekti sustav branda trebaju graditi šire od zajedničkoga sustava robnih marki, na upravljanju kvalitetom, okolišem i sigurnošću branda.
Dobro je saznanje, utemeljeno na rezultatima istraživanja trendova u brandiranju i pripremi za brandiranje hotela u Hrvatskoj, da nova ekonomija našeg hotelijerstva počinje ubrzano odvajati upravljanje imovinom. Odvaja se upravljanje "tvrdom" imovinom hotela od upravljanja znanjem kao "mekanom" imovinom hotelskih brandova. Čak 80% ispitanih vlasnika i direktora hotela izjasnilo se da njihovi hoteli nemaju interes za daljnje poslovanje bez branda hotela. Taj proces polako zahvaća i distributere i proizvođače. To znači da je sazrela potreba za primjenom snažnoga hrvatskog sustava brandova od proizvodnje do raspodjele i osmišljavanja usluga i prodaje.
Standardi brandova postaju i u Hrvatskoj sve više slika uspješnosti izvoznoga turističkog i ukupnoga gospodarstva, ali i pokazateljimenadžerima, vlasnicima, lokalnoj i nacionalnoj zajednici za vođenje konkurentske poslovne i razvojne politike i izvoza.
Aaker, D.A. (2002), Building Strong Brands, Simon & Schuster UK Ltd, London.
Karamarko, N. (2003), Kvaliteta planiranja i poslovnog uspjeh hotela, Magistarski rad, Fakultet za turistički i hotelski menadžment Opatija, Opatija.
Karamarko, N. (2004), Trendovi brandiranja hotela u Hrvatskoj, 17. Kongres Tourism & Hospitality Industry 2004., Fakultet za turistički i hotelski menadžment Opatija, Opatija.
субота, 3. април 2010.
Fidelio sistem upravljanja odjelom hrane i pića je alat usmjerenoga upravljanja hranom i pićem snabdjeven sa svim aktualnim informacijama i trenutačnim podacima koje omogućuju obračun bez čekanja. To znači da uspoređuje proračun troškova i promet s aktualnim brojem po prodajnom mjestu, danu i vremenu usluge. Na temelju izvještaja tih vrijednosti tijekom dana dobivamo izlazne podatke o našem poslovanju. Primjerice, pomoću alata za osmišljavanje jelovnika, prikazat će nam, na osnovi dnevne pripreme, koje bi artikle trebali preporučiti, a koje isključiti iz jelovnika. Taj program uključuje tri modula:
• osnovni modul: ulaz robe, transfer, način skladištenja, inventura i kontrola plaćanja
• nabava: način naručivanja, pregled nabavne količine, formiranje narudžbi, usporedba naručenoga i izvršene isporuke
• kontrola troškova: upravljanje recepturama, kontrola u jelovniku i analiza potrošnje.
Ova su tri modulapovezana s kasama (POS), zbog kontrole troškova, smanjenja zaliha i unosa podataka u razne analize prometa artikala te s knjigovodstvom, radi prijenosa izdatnica u knjigovodstvo kupaca i dobavljača.
Ovi moduli nude i više mogućnosti za unaprjeđenje poslovanja, od uštede na troškovima kod manipulacije do preporuke koje artikle preporučuje/isključuje, ili listanja menija po ekranu s tastama (Pull-down) i dr.
U nastavku ćemo radi ilustracije iznijeti strukturu podataka iz opisa programskoga paketa za: osnovni modul, modul nabave, modul kontrole troškova, obračun troškova, kao i veze s drugim programskim paketima, da bi pokazali stanje u aktualnom okruženju kojem moramo znati parirati. Radi se o proizvodu, koji se razlikuje od svih drugih proizvoda jer je riječ o usluzi i procesu pružanja hotelske ili turističke usluge.
понедељак, 29. март 2010.
�We see our cooperation with Expedia as the future of modern tour operating, dynamic pricing and flexible availability, replacing fixed contracted rates and allocations. This flexibility provides ideal conditions to optimize rate management and occupancy levels,� stated Marc Fries, IT-Director of Sunstar Hotels.
�The new direct connect solution provided by myfidelio.net with Expedia allows us to more efficiently manage our rates, inventory and availability right from our Micros property management system, replacing the maintenance of extranets,� continued Mr.Fries. �Reservations are downloaded immediately into our PMS without any additional effort required by the hotel staff. The initial results are very successful and we look forward to strengthening the cooperation with Expedia and myfidelio.net.�
Myfidelio.net is the �Software as a Service� model of the Opera Reservation System, an enterprise solution for the hospitality industry, providing central reservation management services and connections to worldwide distribution channels, such as Expedia, the GDS and the hotel corporate website. Myfidelio.net offers full integration with all hotel solutions offered by Micros, including Opera PMS, Fidelio Suite 8 in Europe, Fidelio Version 6, and Fidelio Version 7.
недеља, 28. март 2010.
Micros launched a new XML-based direct connection between Expedia and Micros� �myfidelio.net� service, which is powered by the Opera Reservation System. This connection is then pushed through to any of Micros’ Property Management Systems including Opera PMS, Fidelio Suite 8 in Europe, and Fidelio Versions 6/7. Sunstar Hotels in Switzerland is the first customer to deploy this powerful solution.
This unique and innovative solution enables Sunstar Hotels to manage all rates, inventory and availability from its Micros Property Management System and to receive reservations directly into its reservation system utilizing myfidelio.net.
With this new direct connection to Expedia, the Sunstar Hotels will benefit from a single point of rates and inventory management, saving substantial labor hours typically required for manual data entry work.
субота, 27. март 2010.
Asia Pacific's leading luxury hotel group, Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts This article or section is written like an .
Please help [ rewrite this article] from a neutral point of view.
Mark blatant advertising for , using . , announces the launch of MICROS-Fidelio's OPERA Central Reservations and Customer Information Systems with a total investment of over US$3 million.
Commenting on the new systems, Martin F. Waechter, Shangri-La's chief marketing officer, said: "Shangri-La is renowned worldwide for its highly personalized service. The new MICROS-Fidelio Opera system allows us to support our staff and ensure consistent service delivery. The easy access to information helps us identify trends enabling us to anticipate guest needs and exceed expectations. The central systems drive all distribution channels of Shangri-La. The group's regional reservations centers in Hong Kong, Tokyo, London and Kuala Lumpur now offer all rates and last room availability to guests, travel agents and companies calling worldwide through toll-free numbers."
Anand Rao, Shangri-La's Chief Information Officer added: "The new systems offer single image inventory, based on real-time synchronization of transactional and profile data between the hotel and central systems. These systems further support rate integrity and last room availability across distribution channels including Shangri-La's hotel direct reservations, worldwide toll-free numbers and the company's website, http://www.shangri-la.com/. Within the next six months, the Shangri-La website and various third party booking engines will be interfaced to the central systems via an XML XML
in full Extensible Markup Language.
Markup language developed to be a simplified and more structural version of SGML. It incorporates features of HTML (e.g., hypertext linking), but is designed to overcome some of HTML's limitations. messaging platform. This will allow customers a choice of booking channels and the benefit of the best rates and availability."
петак, 26. март 2010.
The main function of Technical support is:
* Implementation and maintenance of the solutions which are based on Oracle Technology in various Operating Systems: Windows, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, UnixWare, Linux.
* Implementation and maintenance of the solutions based on the Microsoft Technology: Operating Systems, domains, Active Directory, Mailing system (Exchange), Intranet, Internet access.Defining of technical architecture, implementation and maintenance of Information systems
* Optimization of performance of Information Systems
* The analysis of the problem with performances on the level of the application Software, the components of computers’ networks, Operating Systems, databases. On the basis of this analysis, we suggest actions which must be taken in order to improve performance within existing configuration of the Information system. We also suggest expansion of some segments of the Information system which can often be a bottle-neck.
* Implementation of the information system on the turn-key principle - obtaining hardware, installation and configuring all the parts of the software which are needed; configuring computer’s network.
* Carrying out businesses on demand from the area of Oracle and Microsoft technologies
* Implementation and maintenance of the POS systems by using fiscal printers.
* Training users for particular skills in the area of implementation Oracle and Microsoft technologies
Our engineers had worked in Oracle and Microsoft technical support (implementation and maintenance) for many years and we are also setting up a team for supporting IBM products.
They all have Oracle’s and Microsoft’s certificates in a particular specializing area, which proves their’s competence.
We are constantly improving our knowledge through education and following of professional literature, so we can easily implement and maintain the most recent products from Oracle and Microsoft.
четвртак, 25. март 2010.
MICROS Systems, Inc. (Nasdaq: MCRS), a leading provider of information technology solutions for the hospitality and retail industries, is pleased to announce that wagamama and MICROS have teamed with Apple to deliver an improved customer experience with its fully integrated, online carry-out service.
wagamama is the first to deploy a Smart Phone Application (app.) that is connected directly to its MICROS point-of-sale (POS) via MICROS's mycentral Dynamic Updates, and is the first restaurant chain based in the UK to deploy a fully integrated phone app. that in the future will facilitate ordering from all its locations, no matter in which country it is located.
The world famous Pan-Asian restaurant chain has launched an end-to-end, fully integrated online ordering facility for carry-out meals. Customers can now place and pay for an order that they collect at an agreed time. The ordering process is accelerated significantly by eliminating the interaction with a member of staff over the telephone and processing the order online via a truly original iPhone App.
"At wagamama, we have always embraced the newest technology, and we are proud to be first-to-market in the restaurant sector with our new iPhone App. Bringing the wagamama experience to the iPhone offers more flexible ordering than ever before, coupled with the speed and quality of service that our customers know and love," stated wagamama CEO, Steve Hill.
"We are delighted to be able to have been a part of an industry first in making the ordering process of carry-out food even easier, faster and much, much more convenient," stated Tim Brown, Vice President, MICROS Strategic Accounts.
The user-friendly system remembers the customer by creating a unique account portfolio which includes all previous orders, simplifying order-entry for repeat customers. wagamama sees speed of service as key to its core values and has always embraced the most current technology. Offering a fully integrated online ordering service improves overall guest experience and employee efficiency; additional benefits include order tracking and links with kitchen systems.
About wagamama
wagamama is a pan-asian restaurant inspired by the hustle and bustle of canteen style japanese noodle bars, but its menu is an unmistakable blend of pan-asian flavors and the freshest seasonal ingredients from closer to home
it has more than 100 restaurants in the uk, europe, the pacific rim, middle east and usa. since 1992 its philosophy remains unchanged: to combine great, fresh and nutritious food in an elegant yet simple setting with helpful, friendly service and value for money
wagamama has been voted london's most popular restaurant by zagat for the fifth year in a row
you can find wagamama in various london locations, basingstoke, bath, birmingham, bournemouth, brighton, bristol, cambridge, canterbury, cardiff, croydon, exeter, glasgow, guildford, harrogate, heathrow terminal 5, high wycombe, kingston, lakeside, leeds, leicester, liverpool, livingston, manchester, milton keynes, newcastle, norwich, nottingham, oxford, reading, salisbury, sheffield, solihull, st albans, tunbridge wells, walton-on-thames, and windsor
среда, 24. март 2010.
Professional Services
The Expertise That Helps Ensure Your Success
To extract the full value from any technology investment, you must plan, design, and implement your solution so it supports your current business objectives and enables future growth and change. You also want to be sure your solution is up and running within your targeted timeframe.
Achieving those goals takes expertise and experience, and MICROS-Retail offers both, through our portfolio of Professional Services.
Work with the experts
The MICROS-Retail team consists of skilled professionals who are highly knowledgeable about our products and have wide experience implementing solutions for diverse retail organizations. Following a proven methodology, they gain an understanding of your current technology environment, business processes, and goals for your solution. Then they help you tailor and configure the system so it meets your unique business requirements.
Our team functions as an extension of yours, providing the expertise and the extra hands you need to augment the skills and resources of your staff. We also work collaboratively with your third-party consultants and technology vendors to help ensure there’s a seamless interface between your MICROS-Retail solution and the vendor products it touches.
By adhering to best practices for project management and risk mitigation, we help ensure your solution is delivered on time, on budget, and in line with your expectations.
уторак, 23. март 2010.
MICROS Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: MCRS), sa sjedištem u Columbiji, Maryland, SAD, je vodeći svjetski proizvođač enterprise rješenja za hotelsku industriju te specijaliziranu maloprodajnu industriju. Globalna mreža se sastoji od više od 3,800 zaposlenika, 52 regionalne podružnice na ključnim tržišnim segmentima i 111 distributera u 45 zemalja.
MICROS je jedini svjetski pružatelj kompletnih sistemskih rješenja za sve tržišne segmente sa globalnom distribucijom i mrežom za podršku za velike ili regionalne lance, lokalne hotele, restorane, fast-food objekte i druge ugostiteljske objekte na tržištu.
MICROS nudi skalabilno rješenje za upravljanje velikim i izuzetno kompleksnim operativnim funkcijama povezanih uz hotele, kasina, zračne luke, tematske parkove, stadione i brodove.
понедељак, 22. март 2010.
The installation of the Micros-Fidelio solutions brings many benefits to the students who will be fully competent in the principles of using the world's leading property management system ensuring that they are able to contribute fully to the management and key operations of properties right from the start of their employment. This effort also marks the strength and commitment of relationships between Saudico and the hospitality industry and its key suppliers.
Micros-Fidelio Opera is the world's leading technology solutions to the hospitality industry used by the majority of chain and locally managed properties in the kingdom, and it is therefore the system that graduates, from these educational institutions, are most likely to be using when they enter the industry.
Opera PMS provides hotel management with tools for customer relationship management, rate management, forecasting and report writing and also provides all the tools any hotel staff need for doing their day-to-day jobs - handling reservations, checking guests in and out, assigning rooms and managing room inventory and handling accounting and billing.
At the time of this press release there are more than ten educational institutions in Saudi Arabia that are licensed to use the Micros-Fidelio Opera system for its hospitality graduation syllabus.
These schools have firmly decided to educate their pupils with the most up-to-date hospitality technology environments available on today's market.
• Fidelio omogućava hotelima i lancima hotela bilo koje veličine i tipa, restoranima, onima koji organizuju krstarenja, kateringe i konferencije da kompjuterizuju svoje operacije i da integrišu glavne industrijske softverske proizvode kroz analizu individualnih zahteva.
• Poslednji Fidelio proizvod je OPERA Enterprise Solution (OES). OES je potpuno integrisan paket proizvoda koji se sastoji od modula koji mogu biti lako pridodati ili prošireni omogućavajući na taj način efektivnu i laku implementaciju.
• OPERA se može implementirati u bilo kom okruženju od malih poseda do velikih hotela sa kompletnom uslugom uključujući prodaju i marketing, katering, menadžment prihoda, menadžment kvaliteta i menadžment materijala.
• OPERA Enterprise Solution uključuje i centralni rezervacioni sistem (Central Reservations System – CRS), informacioni sistem preduzeća (Enterprise Information System), upravljanje odnosima sa klijentima (Customer Relationship Management – CRM) posebno projektovane za hotele.
недеља, 21. март 2010.
The Fidelio Version 8 Small Business Edition has a very convincing factor in a very attractive price-performance ratio. The program can be used on all Windows platforms.
Future = Proof
According to your requirements the Fidelio Version 8 Small Business Edition can be expanded to the full efficiency of the Fidelio Version 8 Professional Edition. With growing demand this is a good investment for the future.
Functional, yet user-friendly
As the customer is the centre of interest, improving guest service, attracting new customers and retaining customer loyalty are the main goals in the hotel industry. Fidelio Version 8 Small Business Edition concentrates on essential functionality and offers the best conditions to handle customer services and guest relations.
Front Office and Customer Relations
Is the customer a non smoker, vegetarian or does he prefer a specific view? All information and preferences are stored in the central database and can be retrieved by your employees. However each function can be controlled. You decide which option is available for which employee or user group using the extensive rights system and user based customised screens.
The customer relationship management module makes it easy to promote special offers or regional happenings and tailor them to the customers needs. This ensures perfect service not only during the guests stay at your property but the whole year around and strengthens the relationship with your clientele.
Web presence
The myfidelio.net home page module allows properties to publish their services, rates and availability on the web and easily access potential customers. Availability and rates published on the web are controlled by the Fidelio Small Business Edition and customers can directly make a booking in your property. All information is stored and availability is updated immediately, saving time and money.
Fidelio Version 8 Small Business Edition is the small solution with a big future!
Key Features of the Fidelio Version 8 Small Business Edition
Fidelio Front Office Management
• Reservations
• Rooms Management
• Group Module
• Revenue Management and Cashier administration
• Housekeeping
• Guest profiles and history
• Packages
• Online reservations via the hotel Internet site
Fidelio Customer Relationship Management
• Administration of contacts and addresses
• myfidelio.net – home page
• Online reservations via the home page
• Starter solution at a reasonable price
• All the advantages of an Oracle-based database
• Practice-orientated functionality
• Short installation phase
• User definable start up screen
• Customizable to property specific requirement
• Fully expandable accordingly to your requirements
субота, 20. март 2010.
The Fidelio Version 8 Small Business Edition is tailored to meet the sophisticated demands of the small hotel market. It is the hotel software solution to accommodate all of the property and customer related requirements. Success can be controlled.
Properties looking for success need a reliable tool to bring transparency to their operation. At the same time the software has to save time and money, support sales and adapt to market related changes at any time. The Fidelio Small Business Edition covers all of these requirements and is designed especially for small and middle sized properties.
Simply convincing
The best software is useless if it is not reliable, if it is difficult to employ and inflexible to future and changing needs. With Fidelio’s Small Business Edition you profit from the deep and profound Micros-Fidelio know-how in the hotel industry and a solution which sets a benchmark in this sector.
The database is the heart of the Small Business Edition. All data is stored here and is displayed on demand anywhere anytime in the module. It is Oracle based, efficient, fast and stable. The Oracle brand stands for its reliability.
The Business Logic
No matter which business your property promotes: resort, congress, wellness or sports. With the Fidelio Small Business Edition business logic all parameters can be adapted and set to carry out the requirements of the structure of your property. Your advantage is a clear structure, reliable information and a perfect link to any required management analysis.
The Fidelio Version 8 Small Business Edition allows dialogue screens to be designed according to your needs. Intelligent Interfaces cover connection to third party products such as Pay TV or Telephone.
Computer novices can easily operate the Fidelio Version 8 Small Business edition after a brief introduction. System and module logic are easily understandable and user-friendly. Fast success is guaranteed.
петак, 19. март 2010.
The Fidelio Version 8 Small Business Edition is tailored to meet the sophisticated demands of the small hotel market. It is the hotel software solution to accommodate all of the property and customer related requirements. Success can be controlled.
Properties looking for success need a reliable tool to bring transparency to their operation. At the same time the software has to save time and money, support sales and adapt to market related changes at any time. The Fidelio Small Business Edition covers all of these requirements and is designed especially for small and middle sized properties.
среда, 17. март 2010.
I najbolji program je beskoristan ako nije pouzdan , ako je komplikovan za prosečnog korisnika, i nespreman za buduće zahteve i promene. Sa Fidelio Small Business Edition vaš dobitak je višestruk, dobijate i Micros-Fidelio know-how u hotelskoj industriji kao i rešenje koje je merilo u ovom sektoru .
Poslovna logika:
Baza podataka srce je Small Business Edition-a. Svi podaci su raspoloživi u bilo kom trenutku. Radi se o Oracle bazama, one su brze i stabilne. Oracle je marka koja drži do pouzdanosti. Bez obzira koje je vrste Vaš objekat: radi li se o letovalištu, kongresnom ili sportskom centru, sa Fidelio Small Business Edition biće pretočena poslovna logika sa svim parametrima da zadovolji zahtjeve koje postavlja namena objekta. Vaša je prednost jasna struktura, pouzdanost informacija i savršenost veze na bilo koji deo Vašeg poslovanja .
Čak i kompijuterski laik može vrlo lako raditi sa Fidelio Verzijom 8 Small Business Edition, odmah nakon kratkog uvoda. Sistem je logičan i lako razumljiv. Brzi uspeh je garantovan.
Razumna cena:
Fidelio Verzija 8 Small Business Edition ima vrlo povoljnu cenu. Program se može koristiti na svim Windows platformama.
Na Vaš zahtev Fidelio Verzija 8 Small Business Edition može biti nadograđen na Fidelio Verziju 8 Professional Edition. Sa tendencijom rasta to je dobra investicija za budućnost.
уторак, 16. март 2010.
MICROS Systems, Inc. provides enterprise applications for the hospitality and retail industries worldwide. Over 310,000 MICROS systems are currently installed in table and quick service restaurants, hotels, motels, casinos, leisure and entertainment, and retail operations in more than 130 countries, and on all seven continents. In addition, MICROS provides property management systems, central reservation and customer information solutions under the brand MICROS-Fidelio for more than 25,000 hotels worldwide, as well as point-of-sale, loss prevention, and cross-channel functionality through its MICROS-Retail division for more than 79,000 retail stores worldwide. MICROS stock is traded through NASDAQ under the symbol MCRS.
понедељак, 15. март 2010.
"Montora Software"- offers a fully completed software package for hotel and restaurant business.
It is the world best–known solution in this field called Micros–Fidelio.
MontOra Software has an exclusive contract for distributing Micros-Fidelio products for Montenegro.
With the realization of this partnership MontOra succeeded to bring at the market Montenegro technologically and functionally the highest-quality solution offered in the world, which was made according to the highest western standards for tourism.
For more than 20 years the Micros – Fidelio company has been the world leader which permanently works on software development and advancement.
This solution is of modular type, it is scalable and it can cover the companies which consist of one or more hotels, restaurants and bars. Solution follows all the segments of a company business, dealing starting from sale, reservations, reception, functioning of kitchen, restaurants and bars, to the following facilities of a hotel. A special advantage is that system can be installed in the smallest hotels (minimum of 4 rooms) and in the largest hotels(over 1000 rooms) and hotel chains as well.
A critical role in the realization of the hotel ICT projects has the company MontOra with the technological and functional support on the local level of Montenegro. Also, with the presence of the Montora experts at the terrain of Montenegro, the price of software implementation and maintenance is reduced. We hope that this partnership will largely help the tourist offer of Montenegro.
Also, depending on the demands range, the package can be implemented in the term of 15 to 60 days. It is important to stress that this software is translated into our language.
Property Management made easy by MICROS-Fidelio
Guest information, night audits, inventory control, profit management and report generation are facts of hotel and resort property management. A MICROS-Fidelio property management system (PMS) takes care of these tasks so you can do what you do best: make informed decisions and build customer loyalty.
Your reservation system – the whole point of the sale
Configured to your own specification, your MICROS-Fidelio reservation system will give your staff instant room status and availability, making reservations possible at the touch of a button.
POS systems – a positive step toward greater profits
MICROS-Fidelio point of sale (POS) software systems make everything possible: faster transactions, information at your fingertips and a point of sale experience that your guests will appreciate.
Our hotel software suite includes property management systems, reservation systems and POS systems for businesses of all sizes.